FUNKSHUN hosts the creative retreat you’ve been waiting for
Let me start by saying this: If you’re interested in attending this event, make sure you get your tickets right now. The deadline for a deposit has passed, but you can still purchase tickets for the full price.
Next weekend, Funkshun will host The Funkin High Retreat, the 5th Installment of Funkshun. On 4 acres of land, and “with enough isolation to block the majority of manmade waves,” this retreat is the perfect opportunity to connect with other creatives, reconnect with your creativity, or simply recharge.
For the record, it’s going down from Friday, August 19, 2016 at 5:00 PM until Sunday, August 21, 2016 at 8:00 PM (EDT) in Pittsboro, NC. Want more information? The graphic below breaks down the entire weekend. You can also get more information and purchase tickets (right now) at Eventbrite.
P.S. You might wanna grab the package with the meals included. It looks like they’ll be eating pretty good on this retreat. Either way, if you decide to head out, let us know. We would love to hear about your experience!